Page name: Sociopaths United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-08 19:31:11
Last author: LiLPsychoke
Owner: circus snatch
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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WHY HELLLOOOO... perhaps some of you may be wondering:
What Exactly is a SOCIOPATH
Well frankly darling we're just those people who dont give a shit.

A sociopath is intellegent:
mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath, an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers.
Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed.

We have a certain superficial charm, manilpulative or cunning behavior, no shame, no guilt, I'm sure we feel a little thing now and again, maybe a bit of a God Complex.

But most of all WE'RE DAMN SEXY!

Now.. if this discribes you AT ALL. Please by all means join..

Sociopaths United!!!


[circus snatch]
[Comrade Sam]
[Blue Fish]
[Shade Wolf]
[Nani- the half-demon neko]
[Same old same old!]
[apple babble]
[georgie porgie]
Banner!!!!! *points* down there... see? -.-... good
[Blue Raspberries and Grape Juice]


WE HAVE A WINNER!! [Blue Fish] gets my love and adoration forever and ever until I get bored.

OH YES AND FOR ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN AND PLEASE DO!!! PLEASE MESSAGE ME TELLING ME SO, oh and if you can make it interesting like, why you think you should be part of Sociopaths United. ^.^ We all should get a nice kick out of it. ^.^ - [circus snatch]

Username (or number or email):


2004-02-13 [Blue Fish]: we need a banner for this!!!

2004-02-13 [circus snatch]: yes yes we do, *points to above* I think I'm making it a contest, so its up for grabs on who wants to make it otherwise its just a fun picture of me, hehe im such a narcissist

2004-02-15 [Blood Angel]: ...........I WILL JOIN

2004-02-15 [Shade Wolf]: I can't join until my sister Akio gives me the password.

2004-02-15 [Shade Wolf]: Thanks!

2004-02-15 [circus snatch]: mmhm

2004-02-15 [circus snatch]: *grumbles*

2004-02-16 [Shade Wolf]: *Hugs* What's wrong sis?

2004-03-10 [Blue Fish]: hey every body!I made a banner!you'll love it!

2004-03-11 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2004-03-11 [circus snatch]: EVERYONE TAKE THE BANNER!!! O.O

2004-03-11 [circus snatch]: lol how do I take the pass off so anyone can join?

2004-03-11 [DeadlyAlucard]: I want to join....for I am godly...*nods*

2004-03-11 [circus snatch]: this is true, you are joined

2004-03-11 [DeadlyAlucard]: Woo! *dances*

2004-03-11 [Nani- the half-demon neko]: Can I join?

2004-03-11 [circus snatch]: sure thing

2004-03-11 [circus snatch]: you are joined

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: YAY WE HAVE MEMBERS!!! ^.^

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: all praise [Blue Fish] for special special banner ^.^

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *praises* ^_^

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: be do be do....

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: ^.^ *runs and smacks [Blood Angel] in the ass*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ahhh *jumps up and spins around as she passes by him and his manly skirt flys out hitting her in thebum

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *watches and giggles*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *trips and falls on her face* *hurts her boobs* ahhhhhhhhhhh ouch

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: Aww..not her boobs..LOOK WHAT YOU DID, MIKE!

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ahhh im sorry im so sorry *picks her up from under her arms and dusts her off and kisses her boobs* Better?

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *shakes head*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *hugs her boobilies* T.T

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: Sowwies..*he looks down swishing his tail about.*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *pokes Mike in the eye with a stick then runs away*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ahhh, *walks around in circles holding his eye* thats harsh.*he turns chibi and goes into hiding. grumbling*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: O.O

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *cuddles him in her sore bossom all chibish and kisses his eye*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: mwa

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: dats so cute! ^_^ *takes pictures*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *smiles and kisses her nose then jumps down and strips off his shirt and runs outside int he cold his nipples getting hard and he jumps in a tree and climbs around playing with the squrriels*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY!...*rolls around on the ground naked*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *shifty eyes* *takes off a sock?*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: no! NAKED!! NAAAAKED!!!...or else you aren't cool

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: psh I was born without any clothes I dont have to prove nothin! besides I'm Undressed I dont do it myself *looks at Mike a little*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: hmm..true.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *He falls out of a branch with a squrriel in a head lock and they start to roll wrestling over a nut and he gets beaten by the fluffy tail of the squrriel and he beats back against it with his shaggy tail* damn squrriel i want that nut *the squrriel fights back* SQUEEK Squeek SQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEK....

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *walks over to Mike and hands him a bag of nuts* didn't have to wrestle a squirrel..

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *blinks a little* ok wow

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *dances around [circus snatch]*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *the squirrel jumps out of his arms and grabs the bag and runs off squeek at him* YOU STUPID SQUIRREL I WANT THOSENUTS...*he grumbles* I almost had that nut...*pokes you and walks by putting his shirt on scratched up some and he goes and jumps on jenni's lap*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: so nut deprived

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: naw he has some big nuts of his own *huggles mike and wraps her legs around him*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: Yep im just a deprived nutless person *sticks his tounge out*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *laughs a little*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *catches the squirrel that ran away with the nuts, and eats it*...mmm..squirrel

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *eats mike* mmm dwarf

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *blinks* I like fluffy nachos.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ...0.o...Mumbles from inside her belly * I was just eaten...*he pokes her belly lightly makig his fingers show on the other side and yells* HEY I CAN SEE THE PUSSY FROM HERE...0.o

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: guys need a room...tee hee

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *shifty eyes* get in ma belly!!

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *pulls mike out and huggles him*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: Aww

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *laughs and huggles back getting her slightly wet and he gets down and goes over to the sink and jumps in standing under the faucet and washes off nakei...*HEY NO PEEKING...*he covers himself with paper towels around the sink and goes back to washing and starts to sing* BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH (the blahs singing just make your own words)***

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: ...*points and laughs*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: If you're nakie in the shower clap your hands if you're nakie in the shower clap your hands If your nakie in the shower now you smell like a flower if you're nakie in the shower clap your hands

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *claps his hands laughing softly* YEP GOOD ONE

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: if your a waffle and you know it blink your eyes! If your a waffle and you know it blink your eyes! if you're a waffle and you know it, your car is broke, go tow it, if you're a waffle and you know it blink your eyes!

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: if you're a dildo and you know it poke someones eye out that you really hate, if you're a dildo and you know it poke someone that you really hate eye out. If you're a dildo and you know it and you really want to show it poke someone that you really hates eye out.

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: hehehe...*is a dildo*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ...*jumps out grabbing a big rag and wraps it around his waist and slides down teh refrig handle and landso n the ground and walks around* Well those are the most random songs ive ever heard...

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: are a crusty nipple.


2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *CLAPS HANDS* XD

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ahhhh i dont want to fuck there uncle i only wanna fuck jenni....I wouldnt mind it in there blood but i dont wanna fuck there uncle...*walks to his big backpack and jumps in and changes and comes out in a light green man skirt and he slips on his big black bots and walks around his hair all over the place* Whee freeballin in a skirt is fun...(I so am going to get hta skirt...)

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: ...*takes a picture*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *looks at deadly slowly*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *he does a lil dance in his skirt* <img:> (See its my skirt ^.^)

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: I'll try to make you one baby would you want bondage straps?

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *gives the picture to Jenni* ^_^

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: YES...hell if you made it id let you do what you wanted to with going to make a temp one in the mean time with a sheet ^.^

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: lol baby, I'll see what they have at hot topic as well, they have a new manager so I think for summer I might be going back.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: Thats cool..and then you can drive and they couldnt fire you this time :p lol..

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: i worked at the hot topic here..hehe

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: hot topic is fun the assistant manager was a fat cow that doesnt like anyone,especially not me ^.^

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: My manager wanted to have sex with me...*cries*...he was the scariest goth I ever saw.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ...

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: Oh well.

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: the key holder is like my brother that hits on me, I love him to death and theres derrick and megan megan is like my lesbian lover

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: i have a lesbian lover that has a penis. O_O

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: I have Mike... hes a lesbian... and has a penis .... *drools*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: COOL! >.<

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: LOL

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: a lesbian. *does hte lesbian dance in his skirt his squishy shaking abit*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: sexy kinda...ehmm...*backs away slowly*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *hugs his squishy and pulls him down and rolls around* MY LESBIAN!!

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *wraps his arms around her and rolls iwth her* YOUR LESBIAN ^.^ *kisses her lots*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: wowee...*poke*

2004-03-12 [Blue Fish]: lmfao!go drom go go drom!shake your lesbian ass!

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: lol

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *kisses back* ^.^ lets have sex!

2004-03-12 [Blue Fish]: oohh you two get a room!:/

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ...0.0 Not with them there...wait lets kill them and have sex in there blood

2004-03-12 [Blue Fish]: poo!you do know that drinking human blood is bad for you!?!?

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *kisses* lets go have sex in squirrel blood

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: noo. not squirrel blood...they dont give enough warm blood about we jus have sex ^.^

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: oh ok

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *shifty eyes* *coughs* I think its safe kids... no sex...

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: yep...*sighs* No sex...BUT IT WILL happen...cause foamy says so..he says safe sex is good sex....wait said that oh well...

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: .......... *hides*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: Is drug with her as she hides and he holds close turning back into chibi and jumps between her boobs*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *cuddles him and goes and hides*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *he cuddles up in her breast and closes his eyes*

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: *COUGHS* Ah hem. I guess I'll be leaving.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: lol...cya then..*waves from inside her shirt his hand poping out of the top of her shirt*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *looks down and looks back up waving at Shade*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *he jumps out and morphs back to his normal side and slides up behind jenni and wraps his arms around her waist* Love you hun

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: I love you too baby *huggles*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *blinks*

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: Okay.

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: score us two points for confuzin people ^.^

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: hehe yep

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: *hugs Mike then Jenn and changes voice like Stitch* "This is my family.I found it on my own.It may be broken but it's good.Yes it's good."

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: ...*starts convulsing*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *hugs Shade* you ish my bro-der

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: ...^.^ Yea hes me older bro as well...*gives big dwarven lifting off the ground tight squeeze hug* ^.^

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: wes related? O.o uh oh

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: *crack* My ribs.

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: Opps sorry *puts him down and fixes hiim..* OK your better...and umm we are not blood related just "friendly" related....*noodles*

2004-03-12 [Shade Wolf]: Yeah Well Same with Jenn and I. But someday I need to meet you two.

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: *rolls around naked*...I'm so random

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *grabs a blanket and puts it on deadly and wraps her up in chains so she dosent roll around nakie

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: NOOO! THE NAKEYNESS CALLS TO MEEEE! *falls on the floor and cries*

2004-03-12 [Blood Angel]: *sighs and undoes her and walks away * roll nakie get caught on a cactus. *Shrugs* Ill just have to clean up your mess :p

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: WHOO!...*Humps a cactus* ow...ow...ow...IT HURTS SO GOOOOD!!!!

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: darling you are very random, good thing you're my batch XD

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: ^_^ *convulses*

2004-03-12 [circus snatch]: *claps happily* awwww *stabs cactus with a dildo and runs away*

2004-03-12 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY!!!!!

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: Hey Jenn,Mike.

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: *steals Jenn and Mike and stuffs them in her closet* MINE!!!

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: *turns into huge Deamon form Let my Bro and sis go!

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: AAAAGH! NOO!

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: *rips door off it's hinges* Mine!

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: *cries*

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: You can have the doorknob if you want.

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: Naw...I'll just steal that skirt Mike is always talkin about...*steals it*

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: Want the door back? I'll take Jenn and Mike.

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: can keep it. I dont need it anyway when I got sexy keyholes. *licks a keyhole on a different door*

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: You are crazy right?

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: Nope...I'm the normal one...everyone else is insane.

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: Oh,okay. You like keyholes,My car has keyholes.

2004-03-13 [Blood Angel]: ....umm *gets up and walks out side not wanting to be stolen....just relized he had his skirt taken and walks back in freeballing..and steals his skirtback and puts it on*

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: Hey Bro She wanted to Keep you and Jenn in her closet.

2004-03-13 [Blood Angel]: Its all good...i have to give her some credit,,,she fucked a cactus..*shrugs* lol but i dont mind closets they are comfy..but jenn she prob dosent like be closed up in an area. *shrugs again* Its all good i iwould of gotten out anytime

2004-03-13 [Shade Wolf]: I took The initative though. I don't think Jenn has been on tonight. *Dwarf Hug*

2004-03-13 [DeadlyAlucard]: O_o

2004-03-13 [Blood Angel]: Yea, she hasnt...she wont be on till about sunday maybe monday night

2004-03-13 [Blood Angel]: she went to see her dad before he left

2004-03-14 [Shade Wolf]: For Iraq?

2004-03-14 [Blood Angel]: yea im pretty sure

2004-03-14 [Farewell]: hows everybody doin? nice to meet y'all, im steve. *looks around room while nodding*

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: ^.^ I'm back my batches *jumps out all dramatically*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: YAY! BATCH MASTER IS HERE!

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: *does sexy jester dance around the room*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: *rolls around on a cactus naked*

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: *steals deadly's cactus*

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: no! no soup for you!!

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: SOUP NAZI!!! >.<

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  *makes a little hitler mustache and walks around legs straight*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: *does open fist salute towards her*

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: *nods and walks in a circle saluting herself*

2004-03-14 [Blood Angel]: *raises an eyebrow and scratches his nose then goes hide in his lil bomb shelter in iceland*

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: *runs and tackles drom down*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: *constructs a concentration camp*

2004-03-14 [Blood Angel]: ack..*gets tackled by the cactus stealing,fake mustache wearing soup stealing hitler and huggles her back*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: Aww...a kodak moment....or poloroid...whichever is more nazi like.

2004-03-14 [circus snatch]: *takes her mustache off and gives deadly a soup filled cactus and sits on drom*

2004-03-14 [DeadlyAlucard]: YUMMY!!

2004-03-14 [Blood Angel]: *gets sat on and smiles and wrps his arms aorund her laying there...*

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